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Carrot and Coriander Soup | 紅蘿蔔芫荽湯

I love a bowl of warm, smooth carrot and coriander soup when I'm not feeling particularly hungry, and this recipe is slightly different from the average version. Of course - buying a can of Heinz (or Sainsbury's) carrot and coriander soup is the easiest method, but I guarantee that this recipe does not contain any traces of salt and sugar. It is also gluten and dairy free and suitable for vegans. Perfect choice to those who doesn't like hard chunky bits of carrots as well!


不肚餓的時候, 我會自己做一碗又熱又滑的紅蘿蔔芫荽湯. 我這個做法比其他的食譜有些少不同. 沒錯 - 去你最近的超市買一個已製成的罐頭湯是非常方便, 但是我可以保證我這個湯的食譜是不含鹽, 糖, 麩質和奶類, 並且適合素食者來飲. 

Ingredients | 材料

Serves 3 (三位用)   Calories (卡路里): 104 kcal 

Time required (製作時間): 30 minutes


carrots, sliced into chunks

potato, sliced into chunks

leek, chopped

white onion, diced

600ml of vegetable stock

A handful of coriander


紅蘿蔔 3個, 切塊

馬鈴薯 1個, 切塊

大蔥 1個, 切塊

白洋蔥 1個, 切粒

蔬菜湯 600毫升


Utensils | 廚具

A saucepan

A blender

A frying pan





Procedures |  步驟

1. Chop all the carrots, potato and leek into chunks. Dice the onions for frying at a later time.

    把紅蘿蔔, 馬鈴薯和大蔥切塊. 白洋蔥切粒, 稍後用來炒.


2. Fry the diced onions until they soften - they should take around 6-8 minutes.

    炒已切粒的白洋蔥, 軟了後就可.


3. Pour in the vegetable stock in the saucepan, then place in your chopped carrots and potatoes, followed by onions.

    在平底鍋裡, 放進已切好的紅蘿蔔, 馬鈴薯和洋蔥, 然後倒600毫升的蔬菜湯.


4. Leave it to boil at high heat, then lower the heat down to low when the soup starts boiling. After 10-15 minutes, add in the chopped leeks and leave it to simmer for another 3-5 minutes before turning off the heat. Add in the chopped coriander and stir.

    首先用大火將湯煲滾, 開始滾的時候就把火調低. 過了十至十五分鐘後, 才加切好的大蔥, 用大概三到五分鐘時間繼續慢慢加熱, 之後才關火. 關火後, 放一些芫荽.


5. Pour the soup into the blender. When blended into smooth texture, pour the soup back into the saucepan and heat it. Serve.

    把湯放進攪拌機. 攪完後, 把湯倒回平底鍋裡, 慢慢加熱便完成了.



Tips | 提示

1. Do not place the leeks at the same time with the potatoes and carrots - this is because potatoes and carrots take less time to cook than leeks. Overboiled leeks are vile and soggy - trust me.

    千萬別把大蔥跟馬鈴薯和紅蘿蔔一起放在平底鍋裡滾. 因為大蔥要煮好的時間比馬鈴薯和紅蘿蔔短.


2. Corianders have a strong taste and not all people enjoy it. Depending on your taste - you can add as many as you like, but not too many since it might overwhelm the taste of carrots. (I personally used 6 stalks of coriander).

    芫荽有一個比較重的香草味, 而且不是每一個人都喜歡它的味道. 放太多有可能會把紅蘿蔔的味道不太明顯. 我自己就用了6支芫荽來煮我這個湯.



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