20. UK/HK. Foodie, pianist and teacher.
英國/香港. 食物和鋼琴愛好者, 英文教師.
Everybody loves a bowl of mushroom soup, and without doubt the easiest way to have one is to buy a can of Heinz's Mushroom Soup in your nearest supermarket. Well, as long as you have got the proper ingredients and utensils, you will be able to whip up your own bowl of mushroom soup anytime and anywhere. If you're living on a budget, simply buy the cheapest mushrooms available; no hassle at all.
很多人都很喜歡飲蘑菇湯, 而且最容易喝到的方法是去你最近的超級市場買一罐蘑菇湯. 如果你家裡有特定的材料和廚具, 你一定會能夠把自己做的湯做得更好飲.
approx 300g of button mushrooms (champignons), sliced.
approx 300g of chestnut mushrooms, sliced.
200g of Shimeji mushrooms, roughly chopped.
1 white onion, diced.
1 carrot, sliced in small chunks.
6 cups of chicken stock (or water).
A handful of parsley, finely chopped.
4-5 tbsps of plain flour
Salt and pepper for taste
1/4 of unsalted butter
A dash of rosemary-infused oil/extra virgin olive oil (optional)
纽扣菇 600克, 切片.
茶樹菇 200克
白洋蔥 1個, 切碎.
胡蘿蔔 1個, 切小條.
雞湯或水 6杯
香芹 少許, 切碎.
麵粉 4-5湯匙.
鹽和黑胡椒 調味.
無鹽牛油 1/4個
迷迭香油或特級橄欖油 幾滴 (隨意)
Utensils | 廚具
A blender (攪拌機)
A saucepan (平底鍋)
Bowls and cups for measurement (碗和杯, 用來量度)
A spatula (鍋鏟)
A frying pan (煎鍋)
Ingredients | 材料
Serves 2 (兩位用) Time required (製作時間): 35-40mins
293 calories per serving
Procedures | 步驟
1. Wash the mushrooms; make sure they don't leave any dirt - you don't want them in your soup do you?
洗蘑菇; 檢查清楚菇裡沒有污物. 你在湯裡面應該不想飲到這些東西吧?
2. Slice and dice; slice your button/chestnut mushrooms at approximately 1-2cm thick per slice, or into chunks for Shimeji mushrooms. Dice an onion; make sure they are in small chunks. Roughly slice the carrots.
切片和切碎; 把纽扣菇切成片, 每一片大概有1-2cm, 而茶樹菇可以切小塊點. 白洋蔥要切碎. 胡蘿蔔切小條便可.
3. Heat up the frying pan with unsalted better, then pop in the diced onions, keep stirring for 6-8 minutes until they are soft.
熱好煎鍋, 放進無鹽牛油. 溶了之後就放進切碎了的洋蔥, 攪6-8分鐘軟了便可.
4. Pop the sliced mushrooms and carrot in the frying pan, keep stirring until mushrooms become soft.
把蘑菇和胡蘿蔔放進煎鍋裡面, 繼續手攪, 等到菇開始有水分變軟.
5. Add flour and stir until it becomes sticky and gooey. Then place it in a saucepan, followed by 6 cups of chicken stock or water. Keep stirring and let it boil in medium heat; when it starts to boil let it simmer in low heat and leave it to cool after a few minutes.
放進麵粉, 攪拌. 然後把它傳到平底鍋裡, 加6杯雞湯或水. 繼續把雞湯和菇攪好, 用中火去煲. 滾了之後就把火調低, 然後冷卻.
6. When broth is cooled, pour it into a blender. Mix well until all the mushrooms and carrot are blended properly. The texture shouldn't be too watery - if so you might want to repeat steps 2-4 and put them in the blender as well.
湯稍為涼了後, 把它放進攪拌機裡. 攪好了後, 檢查清楚湯沒有過多水分. 如果比較液體的話, 請重複步驟2-4, 然後再放進攪拌機.
7. Pour the mushroom soup back into the saucepan for further heating. When heated, pour into bowl and sprinkle a tiny bit of black pepper. Serve.
把蘑菇湯倒進平底鍋裡, 熱了之後就放一點碎黑胡椒來調味, 放在碗子裡面就大功告成了.
Tips | 提示
1. Never put hot broth into a blender straight away; the blender is most likely plastic and it can break when you pour in hot liquid.
千萬別把熱湯立刻倒進攪拌機裡. 一般的攪拌機是用膠做, 碰到熱的液體是很容易會爛的.
2. You can use any kinds of mushrooms you like; there is no specific type of mushroom that you need to use to make this soup - most posh people prefer porcini but it can go over your budget.
用任何品種的蘑菇都可以做蘑菇湯, 很多貴族人會用牛肝菌, 不過對一般人來說可能比較貴.
3. Adding your favourite kind of oil at the very end is optional - I personally use rosemary oil bought in Italy, because it has a subtle flavour and is a nice complement to the soup. See picture on the right for a sample of the rosemary oil I use at home.
在湯裡面放一些迷迭香油或特級橄欖油可以把湯特顯出菇的香味. 右邊的圖片是我在意大利的時候買的迷迭香油.
4. You may put double cream if you prefer a creamier texture; if you feel like eating healthier though, might as well avoid that!
如果你喜歡更滑的湯, 可以放忌廉. 要健康一點的話, 我建議不放忌廉.