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Pumpkin and Chayote Pork Ribs Soup | 南瓜佛手瓜排骨湯

Another twist from the classic pumpkin soup we normally drink - this time it's Chinese style. You cannot buy this from a can in supermarkets, because you will have to boil this yourself. It might be time consuming to make this - but rest assured, it's not awfully hard to make, nor does it require loads of money. With patience, you can deliver a bowl of refreshing soup that contains the natural sweetness; no artifical flavours. Low in calories as well - it's a must try.


南瓜佛手瓜排骨湯是一個著名的中式南瓜湯. 在超級市場是沒可能買到罐頭裝, 因為你一定要自己煲的. 雖然要製作的時間可能會比較長, 但是不需要用很多錢就買到材料了. 最重要是耐性. 這個湯是沒有鹽和油, 煲好的南瓜把湯帶來清甜的味道.

Serves 4 (四位用)  Time required: 2 hours (兩小時)
86 calories per serving.


1/2 pumpkin, deseeded and skinned, chopped into chunks

carrots, chopped into chunks

chayote, chopped into chunks

potato, chopped into chunks

300g pork spare ribs, chopped into chunks

A tiny dash of vegetable oil


南瓜 1/2個, 除去籽和皮, 斬成件.

胡蘿蔔 2個, 斬成件.

佛手瓜 1個, 斬成件.

馬鈴薯 1個, 斬成件.

豬排骨 300克, 斬成件.

植物油 少許


Ingredients | 材料

Utensils | 廚具

A huge (or relatively huge) pot (煲湯鍋)

saucepan (平底鍋)

cleaver (菜刀)



Procedures | 步驟

1. Chop all the ingredients into chunks first. Remember to deseed and peel the skin first when dealing with the pumpkin.

    把全部的材料斬成件. 記得要把南瓜除去籽和皮.


2. Blanch the spare ribs in a saucepan for approximately 5 minutes, until they are half cooked.

    用平底鍋將排骨稍微汆水大概5分鐘時間, 半熟便可.


3. Transfer the spare ribs into a huge pot and add water; hall full should do it. You will be adding water later as it boils.

    半熟的排骨然後放在煲湯鍋裡, 加半鍋的水.


4. Boil for 20 minutes. Then add in your chopped vegetables. Addone or two bowls of water if it starts to evaporate.

    排骨再煲多二十分鐘. 然後才加切好的瓜和馬鈴薯. 如果水開始蒸發, 可以加一兩碗水.


5. Let the soup boil for 1-1.5 hours; add a tiny bit of vegetable oil in it whilst boiling. Serve after time is up.

    讓湯繼續煲大概1-1.5小時. 煲的過程當中可以加一點植物油. 時間到就完成了.

Tips | 提示

1. If you cannot find chayote in your nearest supermarket, try using winter melon. Alternatively, you can use pork muscle or even pork chops (although the flavour won't be distinct) if pork spare ribs are unavailable in the supermarket or butchers.

   如果找不到佛手瓜的話, 可以用冬瓜來代替. 還有, 如果你在超級市場和肉檔找不到排骨, 可以用豬展或豬排 (豬排味道可能會令味道不夠特出).


2. A cleaver is more useful in cutting all the melons and carrots; if you don't have one use a really sharp knife. A blunt one will cost you more time and energy to get all the chopping done.

   在今次的食譜裡, 用菜刀是比較更有用. 但是如果你沒有菜刀的話, 可以用很鋒利的刀. 如果刀不鋒利的話, 切東西的時候可能會增添麻煩.


3. When simmering, always remember to turn the heat down into low heat.

    煲湯的時候, 記住要把火調到最低.


4. When pork ribs are simmered long enough, they can fall off from the bone. I suggest not boiling your soup for less than an hour, as the soup will either be tasteless, or the ribs may still remain uncooked and tough.

    排骨煮夠時間的話, 肉質會比較多汁. 湯必須要煲最少一小時的時間, 否則湯可能會沒有味道, 排骨也有機會沒熟. 

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